
Safe Driving At Night

Safe Driving At Night

Did you know approximately half of all fatalities due to motor vehicle crashes occur at night, even though the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes that traffic volume is substantially less at night?
Visibility starts with your windshield!

Visibility starts with your windshield!

Our company mission is to save lives by reducing crashes... and this is why the PowerWiper was invented!
Truck Insurance Rates; Reasonable or Ridiculous?

Truck Insurance Rates; Reasonable or Ridiculous?

Highway deaths per 100 million vehicle-miles traveled rose from 32,744 in 2014 to 37,461, a 14.4 percent increase in 2 years.

Large trucks ( over 10,000 pounds) were responsible for approximately 25% or 9,365 fatalities.

Pedestrian fatalities rose by over 1,000 between 2014 and 2016, reaching 5,987 in 2016—a 21.9 percent increase.

In 2016, 72 percent of people killed in large-truck crashes were occupants of the other vehicles.

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